Tuesday, February 21, 2017

speed recap #1

Tuesday 21st February 2017

0715 up for morning coffee, feed Oswald
0800 Lisa off to work
0850 Insurance assessor (construction company guy) arrives to inspect damage from last weeks blizzard
1000 assessor finishes up, type up notes for upload
1100 reply to emails, struggle with uploading insurance videos to the 'cloud'
1230 figure out 2016 sole proprietor HST payments, and report to CRA
1351 first attempt to make payment fails
1353 second attempt successful
1415 drive to post office, grocery, bottle shop
1500 wash Victor (my car), dig Benny (Lisa's car) out of the snow
1555 make some lunch (small salad) watch first half of photography documentary
1637 post daily blog

plans for rest of the day
coffee, then refine packing of suitcase
shave head, shower
vacuum house, prepare dining room for shampooing
prepare dinner, snack and appy drink
Lisa arrives home
charge all photographic gear/kindle/ipads/etc

gotta say that I find this type of post about as dull as you all might...

could be the first and last speed re-cap.

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