Friday, October 12, 2012

À bientôt!...


I'm sure many of you have been wondering when exactly those promised photos of my iceland trip would be appearing.

You may have to wait a little longer.

It's a truly mammoth task. For example, I took over 500 individual photos on just the first day (almost 1000 when you take into account the jpeg/RAW and movies). Many of these are of course just alternate angles, but I do delete crap ones as the day moves along, leaving a fairly solid bunch of photos to choose from, and I'd like to select the "right" ones so as to not bore you all to death...

I've also been busy.

Well, that's actually a lie. I've been extremely "Un"busy, but it makes me feel at least a little better to lie to myself.

There was a job I was going to roll onto from the end of Mr D (hence the overseas trip to Iceland in the first place). However, I found out on the day of my departure that the union/immigration/work visa stuff wasn't going to be able to be sorted, and I'd be "homeless" a week after I returned...

Of course, I'd already changed the return date of my flight to Australia to allow for the new schedule; which would now need to be changed again, lest I get stuck in Canada burning through my cash reserves without any means of earning anything.

Changing the tickets to anything earlier than mid-october would be cost prohibitive (we're talking $2000 without even receiving an upgrade to business-class), so I bit the bullet and accepted the fact that I'd have another month to hang out and get some immigration stuff sorted. Luckily I've got an awesome support net of friends willing to shelter this li'l aussie from the harsh Atlantic fall-weather.

Fast forward 3 weeks, and I'm packing my stuff for yet another trip to the "other" side of the world. most of my iceland photo-editing is done (so the blogging can start in earnest once I land), and I've also been able to figure out a solid plan for permanent residency. everything that can be done over here, has been.

I now return to Australia fairly confident that a more permanent move will be able to happen sometime soon.

For the moment though, here are a few of my favorite photos from the last 3 weeks in Halifax.

Back-lit flags are cool

especially when they're on a boat?

moar boats!

apparently, in 1812... the americans attempted to "occupy" Canada. there was a war that lasted over 3 years, and those wiley-canucks won.

Post-immigration interview coffee/choc-pastry

another spectacular view from my old apartment on Morris street

The Queen Mary II (doesn't look too big from this distance...)

up close though - it's pretty darn big!




ol-timey corner farm

yup - halloween is big over here

catching the "bus" to go apple-picking

funky rusty metal-y

straight from the tree = tast-y

this kid looked like he'd just won the lottery (being able to sit so close to the tractor)

we finish with some shots of my last sunrise on Morris Street

October 1st 2012

simply stunning.

ok, that's about it from the east coast for a little-bit.

my canadian cell-phone will go into voice-mail-announcement mode, so please don't leave a message - shoot me an email instead.

almost time to jump on 4 planes and traverse that pesky date-line again. 

See you in... THE FUTURE

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