Monday, August 06, 2012



It's getting tricky to remember what happened a week ago (especially as I'm typing this at the end of the weekend that i'll be re-counting NEXT week)

I was feeling pretty good (vertigo-wise) and had a massage booked for the first time in a few years...

Massage = pain.
I don't go to relax; I go to get as many trigger points released as is possible (melt those little f*ckers away please)

post-massage, I walked straight into the yearly Pride parade - see what I did there? :)

'cause everyone loves a parade, it was uber-busy. Still, I managed to snake my way through the crowds to duck-home and collect my camera, as parades = photo-goodness.

official photographer is sponsored by the "best pickup line for hot man 2 man action" = I love that canadians are just so damn chilled at times (can only imagine the cries of shock in Brisbane)

what bank wouldn't want to be associated with a pride parade? (the correct answer is NONE of them = soooo much corporate sponsorship, it's more interesting to try and guess who WASN'T supporting a float)

people and streamers

someone set up a massive chalk-wall for posting positivity

truly like this idea and wish it were permanent

following on from the wall of positivity - we have some people in a jail cell *(promoting crimestoppers)

local firemen/women

classic pride symbol is prepared

traffic cop watches (looked like he was having fun to be honest - no ill-will anywhere that I could see)

I forget what these guys/gals were promoting... but they look like they're having fun

perhaps that's all it was - having fun...

...pretty good at the flag-waving part too

"double-rainbow all the way across the sky!"

local paper engages in a bit of self-promotion... does the lady in silver :)

Weekly WTF.
French translation of Isopropyl Alcohol Wipes (we use these to help prepare an actors skin before attaching a radio mic, or help in removing the adhesive when taking them off)

Electrician has some fun during a lighting set-up

the blood-donation set had a bunch of AWESOMELY comfortable chairs...

...just begging for a communal lunch-time-nap!

ok, that's it for this week.

in the next blog:
Ian still hasn't been paid...
...but he buys a new camera anyway...
...he discovers a potential trigger for his BPPV (what's the single most heartbreaking thing for a film-lover to have as a trigger?)
...there's another trip to the coast for some reading/relaxing.

should be good.

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