Thursday, February 25, 2010

I've been...


After I landed on the Tuesday (arrived in brissie around 2pm), I managed to:

- have a solid 14hrs of rest.
- record a quick little TVC (pretty relaxed thursday night shoot)
- move straight into pre-production for the film (as in 6 hrs later)
- work a few shifts at the story bridge on sat/sun
- Start Booming on a heartbeat away.

sound team on day 1

week one slipped by as the crew found their rhythm, and by the weekend I was looking for some relaxation.

however saturday = bridge climb shifts, and sunday = Best Man at my brothers wedding.

now that we're closing in on the last day of week 2 on the film, I am REALLY looking forward to a small rest day...

so far it's all been pretty good. the set-ups are challenging and the crew fun to work with.

I visited rushes to listen to our work after the city hall day, and it does indeed sound excellent... so I'm pretty relieved, and can take a little solice in that fact when I occasionally manage to dip a boom into shot.

pretty wrecked each day, so not much to recap...

photo time

Brisbane City hall - location on day 3

ducted airconditioning so we didn't melt ('twas a very hot day)

Assistant extraordinaire ruth


...goes round the corner

another shot of the city hall - which has been closed to the public for a very publicised re-build, due to the small issue of its sinking, and fire hazards...

up the clock-tower of the city hall with sound mixer Mark to collect the bell tolling...

pretty clouds...



holding the fort on a very simple low-loader shot.

what I'm actually listening to...

Big boom...

what the sound team looks like mid-week 2

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