Saturday, January 23, 2010


...lag sucks.

I'm just starting to shake the effects. it got to a point on day 2+3 where i needed to have a little nap in the car around 3pm.

today was much better

big hellos and thanks go out to:

Paul, one of our wolverine A.D.s (a Vancouver local)- it was great to have a catch-up chat, I still need to buy him a drink though...

Ken from IA 891, for kindly answering all my questions about the film unions over lunch.

Don, chris, and brad from supernatural, for letting me hang out and chat for a bit.
nice coffee too.

I also managed to see Daybreakers at the local cineplex. Wow, what a really solid little film. It looks amazing, and I thoroughly enjoyed it (even if the theatre was playing the soundtrack ear-shatteringly loud). it's always a shock to see Brisbane on the big screen, and I don't think I've ever seen it look so cool.

photos today are:
head of post = downtown, from downtown parking structure

little park where i used to hang out and read, way back in 2001 when i lived down the road.

as you can see it's got an awesome little beach with a great view of the city

alternate angle on the view

ok, time for sleep again.

P.S. I'm starting to get the hang of the driving on the wrong side. It's still freaky, but at least i'm starting to do things without having to actively think about it. My road positioning is better. However I'm still not getting my low-speed right-hand-turns correct (keep thinking i'll bump the car on the corner - when in reality i'm more than fine)

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