That is all...
Just kidding; I can’t leave you all hanging there.
The one thing that I’ll take away from this film, is a firm knowledge of just how much Special FX Dust is required to re-create the dusty streets of a western-style town.
Seriously – I’ve been showering with SOLVOL, just to help get some off.
Wednesday night saw a triumphant QLD state of origin opening game (made strangely satisfying by the presence of so many NSW crew members)
Last night was a party (graciously hosted by our lead actors at the local pub, which straddles our set) with a special musical guest. ‘twas quite fun.
Today was washing, and catching up on anything that can’t be done between the hours of 0500 and 1930 Monday-Saturday, ie: EVERYTHING.
Yes that’s what I said, 5:45 in the morning, until 7:30pm every week day, and the occasional Saturday. Consequently I made more money in overtime this past week than I did from my usual weekly wage. This is good – as I can pay off more of my car loan; and save for the ever-present Ski-trip (Blake, if you’re reading, you’d better be thinking hard about the potential world skiing tour ’08, as it’s all I can think about right now)
Don’t think that I’m just sitting around counting my paycheque; I’m working the hardest I’ve EVER worked on a film (quite possibly, in my life), and it’s absolutely exhausting.
However, I attended a Rushes Screening the other day (or week, I can’t even keep track of the time anymore...) and it re-affirmed my passion for the project. I know that I’m about as low on the creative rung as you can get on this job – but I found it to be truly inspirational. This project is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and something that I hope will be embraced by the public once it’s done.
Ok, now I’m done, see you all later.
Feel free to email (though I'm having internet issues), call (if I'm on set I won't answer, so leave a message), write (just chuck it in the post c/o that bloody movie being shot at bowen...)
Another angle of the ever-present Bowen wharf

And a more detailed look at dust.

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