Thursday, April 06, 2017

speed recap #12

Yesterday Lisa and I headed to the city for some errands. While waiting in the car, I witnessed a delightful moment of frustration? for a random driver.

They reversed a high-end black Audi A6 into a parking spot, making sure to open the drivers-door, in an attempt to line up correctly with what they assumed were the markings of the spot they desired.

This took a couple of 'back and forwards' to really refine the straight-ness of what was going to become, a really satisfying parking job. (I'd argue that it wasn't that accurate, or straight; but who am I to pass judgement).

They exited the vehicle, and while walking past the front of the car, finally noticed that they'd inadvertently parked in a disabled spot.

Please know, the parking lot was fairly empty. There was another unoccupied disabled spot next to the walkway they'd so delicately parked along-side. No great rush of people either judging, or requiring the use of this spot that they'd spent so long refining their position in.

In short, no-one was likely to attack them for being an entitled person. They probably could have done what they needed to, and returned to the vehicle without anyone being the wiser, or indeed caring.

However, immediately upon noticing that they'd spent so long parking where they probably shouldn't; they shook their head, returned to the vehicle and moved one place to their left, thus occupying a non-disabled spot. (In what I would say was a much quicker, and indeed straighter parking job).

So a tip-of-the-hat to you, Random-audi-driver; for doing more than required to conform to the standards of being a "non-dick"

May your day have been pleasant, and not too-impacted by the 5 minutes it took you to park at the shops.

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