Tuesday, March 28, 2017

here's a link #10

coffee-week continues with a link to the single biggest improvement you can make in your coffee preparations... keep it super-fresh and roast your own green-beans using an old popcorn popper...

roast your own

Not to say that every other step isn't important, but the biggest improvement in taste will come from freshly roasted, quality coffee.

A constant supply of high quality roasted coffee can be quite expensive, and since I live in a semi-rural area (quite a distance from any reputable roasters), it actually makes more sense to do it yourself.

It'll take some time to get 'right' (in fact you'll likely never match the taste of a commercial roaster without diving down the rabbit hole into professional roasting machinery), but for near enough to free, you really can't afford to not try

alternate method
"dog-bowl" method (when you're looking for advice on roasting your own coffee, you look for good advice, not good website design)

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