Friday, February 10, 2017

a roadmap...

So I'm slowly figuring out how to approach this "flipping" of my social media "switch"

I challenged myself to provide something new every day...
...that's Seven... Days... A... Week...

Obviously this could all descend into chaos by day 3 if I don't have some kind of framework. It's very much in my nature to do things on the fly, but that could be one of the biggest reasons that I start to drop the ball on any new skills.

here are my 'daily' plans so far

1 - new photo
2 - old photo
3 - T.F.T.W (thought for the week)
4 - speed recap of my day/week/month 
5 - "Single Word Post"
6 - something positive: a challenge
7 - WTF!
8 - "here's a link"

As you can see, there are 8 on the cards.

This means that I won't need to fall into the trap of making a specific day of the week "new photo Friday" or some rubbish like that.

Any of the 8 can come in any order and with any frequency. 

Yay for the illusion of structure! 

To give you a little more information on what each of these may end up looking like, here's a quick break-down of what they mean to me.

- New photo - seems pretty self explanatory - I'll post a photo that hasn't been on the web before (I'm not going to have some rigorous rule for 'when' I took the photo, but it can't be something that I've searched for in my archives, and ideally it'll be from the same day as my post) 

- Old photo - also as advertised - I'll pick a photo from my past and try to give an explanation of how, where, or why, I took it in the first place.

- Thought for the week - This is my attempt at what will hopefully become a discussion. There's no right or wrong, just my viewpoint on a topic that will hopefully bring that idea into your world in a way that you can expand upon, disagree with, and discuss. In short - if I'm thinking about it then others probably are too. I'm not interested in trying to 'change' anyone's way of thinking, I get it - most people are pretty set in their ways. What I am interested in, is other peoples points of view.  Please feel free to comment, or send me correspondence privately if you like.  I'm interested in how you think. (Over 30 topics sitting here ready for discussion - with plenty more to come...)

- Speed recap of my day/week/month - Where I use 500 words or less to post the highlights as I saw them 

- "Single Word Post" - I post just one word - literally one, with no supporting information - it could be something wacky from the dictionary, a word I've seen that amuses me, maybe even something that I've made up?

- Something positive: a challenge - I have to deliver a post with a positive tone about something that has happened to me, or the world in general.

- WTF - as in What the Fuck! - a link, photo, my chance to vent. Could be literally anything that's made me go W.T.F.!
- "Here's a link" - as advertised on the tin - I'll post a link... It may or may not have an explanation

So that's the general idea. 
I'm starting to get excited. 

See you all tomorrow. 

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