Sunday, January 31, 2010



it's been swell.

it's also been mild and dry(-ish) during my stay, for this I thank you.

alas I must away to the ski fields of the interior.

alrighty, enough of that.

Today = drove out to Richmond (south, and near the airport)

if you ever get the chance to head to the Richmond centre mall, here's some free advice; Don't

enough said.

some pretty pictures on the return journey.

- north arm of the Fraser river, separating Vancouver and Richmond

- more of the same

- and one more

I'm off to the airport in the morning - return the rental car and fly to kamloops (about an hour), to catch a shuttle into my first ski village in over 6 years...

wow, has it really been that long... I guess so.

Unsure of my Internet connectivity in town. For a little while today, I was also unsure of my accommodation. I've been convinced that all is well, and I won't be camping out under the overpass.

if I get net, see you soon, otherwise; catch you in a week.

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