...is no more.
another week of boomin-goodness is over, and due to some kind of provincial holiday; we get a long weekend.
this week was a short-block (4-days/one ep). Next week is a change of schedule *(tuesday-sat) and the start of another block (2 episodes) with the first director.

filming dance-floor bar-scenes at one of the (many) local universities

Christianity, Pastafarianism, Darwinism... it seems most faiths are covered out here in Halifax.

the current directors' last name is similar-but-different; and art department usually pick crew-names for any advertising.

more ladder-boomin in the staff-room-set.

A-cam 1st AC

Sound mixer shows his true feelings about the current 5-page scene (with 5 cast, one boom, and wide/tight coverage)

b-cam hits roll 150 (we've recently moved from 32Gb CF cards to 128Gb SSD hard-drives, so I guess the roll-changes will be less frequent from now on)

class-room globe

art-department inspirational quotes, senior-classroom set

our first "grip-forrest". The results were very pretty.

title of this photo = "doun-undahh" (in honour of the ridiculous "aussie" accent I'm frequently taunted with by one of our cast...)

walking to work on Friday (1st truly pretty morning in a long time)

still walking to work ('twas only 18mins, but I really was enjoying the weather)

camera team in the gym...

...filming an 18mm wide, and a simultaneous 110mm 2-shot... I'm on a 12-step ladder attempting perspective on the wide angle...

Friday night fog...

...is still pretty.
It's presently raining (1400 on saturday); but as I'm in need of fresh coffee beans, an expedition is about to be mounted...
hopefully it'll clear-up on Sunday and I'll be able to take a few more photos...
see ya.