what's happened over the past 2 months?
- I grew the mustache.
- I shaved the mustache.
- I continued to climb the story bridge.
- I managed to get some TV commercials, and a 4-day corporate video.
- I booked a trip to canada.
- I drank some coffee.
wait... what was that thing two points ago?
- I'm going to canada?
- 19th January
how long?
- 12 days in Vancouver, then 7 days skiing at Sun Peaks Resort (interior B.C.)
- well... ummm... do I really need a reason? - Whistler is hosting the olympics, and have already broken their all time monthly snow record (almost before they opened)
are you sure there isn't another reason?
- oh yeah - I need to activate a 2 yr working visa,
nice. Anthing else remotely interesting happen in your prolonged absence from the digital realm?
- I managed to see AVATAR 5 days before it opened.
Huh, how?
- a friend's brother and his co-worker had press-tickets.
So - you've been looking forward to this film for quite some time - was it worth it?
- I'm still gob-smacked at the experience - easily the best time I've had in a theatre in a LONG time.
is it really that good?
- Yes
ok time for a finishing photo; what have you got for us this time...

...some sunset shots from work - work, this time meaning the story bridge adventure climb.