...with a camera
It’s been quite a while, I know.
Things have well and truly settled into a relentless; un-wavering rhythm. I know I say that a lot, but how many ways can you say things haven’t changed much?
Various tid-bits of my mundane (yet strangely fulfilling) life over the past month-and-a-bit
• Still recording sound on the “splinter unit”
• Still going to the gym (until my membership expired this week – now I have to ponder whether I should re-apply for another month?)
• Still sleeping WAY too much on the weekend
• Occasionally seeing a movie (blade-runner final-cut is boring...)
• Climbed the big-ass bridge with the mates I normally climb the hills with up in brisbane
• Drank lots-o-beer at the Lowenbrau (well I was designated driver, so I drank considerably LESS than the others...)
• Got a flat tire on the bicycle, which I repaired; got a 2nd flat whilst taking the photos in this post; fixed THAT tear, re-inflated, and the tire is flat AGAIN (4th time lucky?)
• I’m coming home for Christmas (yay!)
• I may not be able to go skiing (boo!) depending on the start-date of the next-job.
Ok, photo-time.
Till next-time;

Opera-house steps...

...Where people get married...

...then run away.

The opera-bar, at the opera-house (tasty-tapas)



Even MORE-arty-arches

Ummm... stuff.

Curvey-stuff in the city

Statue-y stuff

And a final hero-shot of the centre-point tower.
See ya