Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week 3...

…hot, hard, over!

Notable things:
This past week in Broome we were shooting nights; I almost quit mid-week (not going to go into it all here, but things are a little better), and I’ve spent yet another weekend in recovery mode (switching back to days).

I missed the ‘Australia’ Premiere in Sydney on Tuesday. Unfortunately I also missed the screening in Kununurra (10hr drive away), and in Broome on Thursday (for Brandon’s family, and some crew members – as there are a few of us up here). Subsequently I don’t know if I’ll be able to see the film before I fly to Perth on the 6th of December.

Storm-clouds moved in this afternoon and even gave a fine misting of precipitation in places; fingers crossed it’ll hold off for a few more weeks…

Most of the coming week will be spent indoors with some of the larger musical numbers…

I should be home for Christmas.

The heat is sending me mad – anyone up for a skiing trip to Japan at the end of January? (Seriously… anyone?)

Best wishes to everyone in Brisbane, hope you’re all coping with the storms…


Camera on a cherry-picker

On-set #1

On-set #2

Weekly sunset shot #3

‘till next time,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Ian !

    I'm one of the students from QSFT...
    Just watched 'Australia' and looooved it !
    Waited for the credits to see your name and yey, there you are ! lol !
    Very interesting to watch it in the sound point of view after all you told us, really enjoyed that experience !

    Your blog and website are great, best of luck !

