Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm Back...

...and quite ill.

3 things happened on my trip to Mt Hutt, NZ

1 - I'll never return to that mountain - weather/road access/dis-interested staff

2 - I really want to return to a ski-life, nothing can deter my love of the sport (even 90+km/hr winds)

3 - most of my party were struck with an amazingly bad form of the flu...

am now nursing myself back to semi-health, and deciding what I want to do with the remainder of my life...

Ski'n Ian

P.S. the above photo is one of only 5 that I managed to take at Mt Hutt. During the GOOD weather I was focussed on skiing, and when the weather went BAD... well I was nearly frostbitten taking the above shot.

I also submit the following video for your perusal - it's BIG (no idea how to reduce it's size, I may look into it and modify later), and advance appologies for the shocking audio quality (it's pretty much the worst wind recording I've ever made :)

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